Swallow the Moon
A Poem for Pregnant Elise
By and by,
Baby will be coming soon
You, who have
Swallowed the moon
Now follow the course of its arc in-utero
waxing into fullness within
(Who knew you could hold the moon in your belly?)
carrying this ethereal weight
beyond fullness and ripeness, into bruisy, turning juiciness
Bearing, with its majesty,
Bearing down darkness, down-ness, too
Yes, sometimes,
The dark side of the moon whips its scythe over fluffy pink and blue-ness
Though Darkness
also bears its gift—a Question,
revealing Mystery
of Birth, of Soul Appearing from Shadow
and as you stay open, open! as darkness grows,
You may find within that Shadow
the Joy you seek, too
of Love crowning and descending upon you
Revealing what it means to
Mother, to be constant—to be pock-marked and battered
to be luminescent and light, a comfort in the night
to be loved, to ache within
waxing and waning
again and again,
Oh holy holy
Mother Moon
© by Ami Chen Mills-Naim, 2007